''Every time I hold space to allow a Creation to come through,
I am simultaneously claiming my right to be here,
as a spiritual being in a human body,
exploring ways to feel safe & in flow in this body'' Bibi x
Welcome to the world of Bibi Aya
Who is that I hear you ask?
Bibi Aya was born on my 55th birthday. She is the name of my sacral self, a space of fertile inner landscape and birthing magic. A space of joyous embracing of the pleasure and beauty of life. She is the call to connect with all that I am and move forward into the world as a creative being. Visible.
She is my connection to the creative realm, the divine & the embodied self. She is the newness of me bringing in the wisdom of the old. Vikki Parker continues to be my name in many spaces. She holds much wisdom. Bibi has arrived to declare joy and healing for the rest of her days, with a cheekiness and rebellious impish nature. And so it is.
We're all here to connect with each other. Aren't we? Our capacity to do that depends on how richly we can connect with ourselves. This is my starting point.
We all have a story.
We all have our trauma.
We all have the potential to remember the gold within.
Sometimes we need a safe, anonymous space to explore the lost treasure of ourselves.
'We have Art so that we do not die of reality'
As a self-taught visual artist, with a rich background in theatre, dance, poetry and music immersion, I find myself opening pencil portals for healing imagery to birth herself. A soul expression for raising collective consciousness. It's a magical aspect of a life rooted in family challenges and mental health journeys. And that's where I am. In service, to myself, my healing and for those who are ready to travel the journey with me for their own growth.
I told the truth about my family story, of narcissistic parenting, of emotional betrayal & manipulation, of suicide & control. I told it to myself first. Then I told it to the world. I claimed the boundaries. I paid the price for betraying the family. I lost them all. My connection to my intuition & creativity helped me contain & express the intensity of my childhood. It helped me rehearse the possibility of sharing the real truth & freeing myself from the shackles of the shame & guilt that were not mine to hold.
I am a natural teacher having spent 16 beautiful years in education, a pied piper of storytelling through theatre, a wayshower on the journey to self, self-worth & self-acceptance. Children need this more than anyone, a roadmap to their essence, value & reason to be here. In the classroom I honed my message. And then I decided to apply it to myself. In gratitude to all the children & teens who listened & played in the spaces with me I embarked on my own inner child healing in 2016. They were my mirror back to myself.
In that time I have immersed myself in Quantum & Somatic healing processes, found my centre & boundaries, entered the entrepreneurial space, played with Arts in the community, created Doodle Cafe, allowed my intuitive art to flow freely, without expectation & had a year off to 'receive' support. I find myself here, once again, sharing my offerings with a renewed sense of truth.
Recently diagnosed as Autistic, at age 56, I am embracing a new chapter for myself, a year of change and self-acceptance beyond all previous levels. May 2025 be the year I create the firm foundations I have been craving, as a being that floats half in and half out of this world.
I am...
A bridge between worlds
Between Source energy & the Earth plane
Accepting this embodied state
Anchoring Light
Crone wisdom
Lover of circles, ritual & heartspace gatherings
Still learning
You are...
Welcome here x
Whatever you believe about life, higher truths, wild theories, other people or the 'shoulds' of the world, for me it always comes back to simple questions...
Gentle Soul ~ Will 'O' the Wisp ~ Deep Feeling ~ Dancer of the Universe ~ Empath ~ Searching ~ Observer ~ Flame ~ Energy ~ Truth Teller ~ Mermaid ~ Northern Grit ~ Autistic
Human Tokens of Achievement